Bear Market Stage Three

Stage 3 of Crypto Bear Market

In 2022, Crypto market lost over $2 trillion in the bear market

We got destroyed by Terra, 3AC, FTX.

And now we’re now entering stage 3 of the bear market:

Bottomless Exhaustion

The excitement (+ greed) from the bull still existed. Almost everybody shrugs off: a bear market’s initial slide as being an ordinary event. 

Narratives faded, prices plummeted by 90% 
and more, and widespread layoffs started.

Stage 3: Bottomless Exhaustion

There are no more narratives 
or excitement. Prices will consolidate sideways.

It'll be boring.

1. This stage is marked by consolation & boredom.

Anger has been replaced by silence. And motivation is drained. What should we do?

2. Perseverance is key.

Past bear markets have rewarded those who stayed committed. In bull markets, you got returns or paid off in 2 days. In bear markets, you won't see it for another 12+ months. Hang in there.

3. Anyone who has been through it before 
will tell's so incredibly worth it.

There's no better feeling than seeing everything you built in a bear market pay dividends in the bull.

4. Live a life with regret minimization.

How will you feel when the next bull market comes 
and you've gone back to your TradFi or SaaS job. Many talented people left during the last bear market. Those who stayed were rewarded.

5. Things will get worse before they get better.

Take breaks and focus on well-being. but don't give up on the long-term vision.

6. Being aware of this fatigue is a big advantage.

@QwQiao said it well on this Twitter thread, 
It’s the year of apathy. In year 3, things will get 
much better.

In tough times, remember the quote above 
by @jasonyanowitz.

If feeling dejected, step away but don't give up.
Take time to explore the web3. Smoothie is a discovery awards platform, with all ranges of web3 products.

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3 Stages of a Bear MarketThere are 3 stages of a crypto bear market. Read on to see where we are at now. This thread is inspired by @JasonYanowitz, founder of @blockworks_. Follow Yano to learn more about crypto trends.

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